Minutes of Council Meeting 1 October 1906
- Description
Present – The Mayor (Mr. BR Gardener) and Councillors Hall, Hawkins, Hudson, Levy, Mackenzie, Palmer, R. Rouse and Ryder. An apology was received from Cr. J. Prouse.
Minutes Confirmed.
The Minutes of the last ordinary meeting of the Council held on the 17th Sept., and those of the Special Meeting held on the 20th Sept. were in each case read and respectively confirmed.
No free map
Amongst the correspondence was a letter from Hon. R. McNab stating that the Govt. could not supply levels map etc. for the Borough, as this was a Municipal work.
Kawiu Road
A letter from the Hon. Hall Jones Minister for Public Works intimated that re grant for Kawiu Road, the application had been received and enquiries were being made.
£1 for £1
A notification from the Paymaster General intimating that the sum of (pound symbol) 37.11.11 had been paid into the Council’s Banking a/c. (This forms part of the £1 for £1 vote metalling streets).
Fire Inspectors appointed
A letter from the Fire Brigade recommended for the position of Fire Inspectors the names of Capt. H. Anstice and Lieut. R.J. Jones.
On the motion of Cr. Hall seconded by Cr. Levy it was carried “That Messrs. H.Anstice & R.J. Jones be fire inspectors for this Borough.”
(General Business)
The following resolutions were passed.
Printing by-laws
Crs. Palmer-Levy. “That the Printing of the By-laws be left in the hands of the By-laws Committee with power to act.”
Public Notice of By-laws
Crs. Levy-R.Prouse. “That the Town Clerk be authorised to publicly notify through the local paper that the Borough By-laws are in force as from the 1st Oct. 1906 and especially call attention to carters, coach-drivers Builders & others that they must apply at once for their Licence and that all fees must be paid within 14 days from date.”
The Mayor – Cr. Ryder. “That prices be obtained for taking the levels throughout the Levin borough.”
Gravel reserves
The Mayor – Cr. R Prouse. “That this Council purchase not less than 10 acres of land for Borough purposes the matter of sites to be left in the hands of the Reserves committee.”
Catch-water area
The Mayor – Cr. Hudson. “That the Government’s urgent attention be called to the fact that Bush is being felled at the head of the Ohau Basin and that the Government be requested to acquire the Native land in the neighbourhood with a view to preserving an undisturbed and unpolluted water shed from which the future water supply of this town can be obtained.”
Asphalting footpaths
On considering the the question of a request from Messrs. Swainson & Bevan asking permission to asphalt footpath opposite their property, and further asking the council to pay half cost of same should the work be found in order when the levels for the Borough were properly ascertained, considerable discussion arose.
Eventually it was moved by Cr. Hudson and seconded by Cr. Mackenzie “That permission be given to any ratepayer to construct a footpath in front of his premises, conditionally upon such ratepayer taking all responsibility in regard to levels, and that after the levels are taken this Council will refund half the cost of such footpath provided, such footpath is constructed in accordance with the general plan of footpaths in the Borough; that is to say that if the General plan of the borough be asphalt then half cost of the same shall be bourne if asphalt or the same in the case of any other material used in the General plan.”
This was carried being supported by the Mayor Crs. R. Prouse Mackenzie Hudson & Ryder. Crs. Hawkins Hall Levy & Palmer voted against the motion.
Damage by Traction Engine
The Roadman reported that some damage was being done by Traction Engine traffic in Cambridge Street and suggested that less damage would be done if traction engines used the main roads.
Contract completed
He also reported that Mr Akenson’s contract in York St was completed & the other contracts progressing satisfactorily.
Not entertained
A request by T. Griffin to break stones at 3/6 per yard was not entertained.
Certain notices served upon various persons as advised by the Public Health Dept. were placed before the Council.
Passed for payment
The following accounts were passed for payment
N. Akenson – Balance metals contract 18.15.00
ditto - On a/c York St contract 15.00.00
ditto ditto - Makomako contract 5.00.00
Winter & Chase – Balance on Winchester St contract 4. 5.00
P. Patton – Lamp lights & maintenance 4.14.00
N.Z. Kitson’s Light Company 2. 2.03
W.R. Bock Common Seal 2. 5.00
A.R. Mayor Trees 12.00
Gardener & Co measure 5.06
D. Gibson Blacksmith’s repairs 6.06
Mayor’s Exp. at Municipal Conference 3. 5.00
A. Musgrove Deficit on Poundkeeper’s sale 8.08
A. Edwards Carting 2.02.00
J. Hook Roadman 11.05.00
G. Astridge Nightman 16.00.00
P.W. Goldsmith Clerk etc 8.00.00
Pound 94.05.11
Confirmed Basil Gardener
Oct. 15 1906.
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