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The Levin Adventure Park Charitable Trust

The Levin Adventure Park Charitable Trust was established in May 2001 for the sole purpose of developing an Adventure Park on a large disused site in the centre of Levin for the benefit of the whole Levin community. The Trust leased the seven acre site (formerly the site of the old Levin School which was burnt down) from the Office of Treaty Settlements on a ten plus ten year lease. The Trust was granted Charitable Trust status and is (1ST registered.

The Vision

The vision of the Trustees, Helen and Collis Blake, MNZM, is to build a Park that

will provide fun and exciting physical challenges for the children and young people of Levin, in a lovely park environment with facilities for families to enjoy. As the site is situated on State Highway One and next to the Visitors Information Centre, the vision is also to provide an attraction for visitors to Levin and create a top-class facility for which Levin will become known in the wider region.

Project Design

The Park design incorporates an extensive range of activities for all age groups from an enclosed play area for babies and toddlers to beach volleyball to outdoor chess for the young at heart. Extensive research into park, playground and recreational facilities and use by young people was conducted by the Trustees and Project Manager throughout the lower North Island and in consultation with local children who confirmed the need for such a park and contributed to its design.

Progress to Date

Work on the Park and fund-raising both began immediately. This enabled Stage 1 to be completed within eight months and the Park was opened to the public in time for Christmas 2001 and the summer holidays. This included the toilets, kiosk and a large range of play and challenge structures and facilities.

During 2002 Stage H was implemented including landscaping, planting and paving, and extending the range of play equipment. Now at the beginning of 2003, the Park has enjoyed its second very successful summer! The development of the Park is nearing completion (there is still some more to do) and the Trustees are moving towards ensuring the Park is well maintained.

The following have been completed (10/1/03):

Main carpark sealed Northern carpark

Earthworks and installation of underground water, electricity and drainage Kiosk with indoor picnic area, vending machines, free hot water and microwave Toilet block

Attractive paving between Toilet block and Kiosk

Enclosed toddler play area, with fun village, toddler swings and spring see-saw

Senior confidence challenge (age 8+) Adult wire challenge

Double Flying Fox High slide & Rope net

Intermediate swings Roktopus

Senior swings Tumbling drums

Junior trampoline Senior trampoline

In-line skating area Junior skateboarding area

Disability swings Disabled play structure

Basketball hoops Climbing bars

Beach volleyball Four barbecues

Two drinking fountains Fitness trail

Outdoor chess Park seats

Picnic tables Playing field

Dog rest area Boundary planting and fencing

Extensive grassing Tree planting

Security lights Signage

Community Benefit

The Park has been enthusiastically welcomed by the people of Levin. To say it has frequently been crowded over the summer holidays is not an overstatement. It is used by families, groups, travellers and a wide variety of ethnic and socio-economic groups. It is particularly popular for birthday parties, picnics and large group get- togethers. Teams practice on the field and use the fitness trail. Families picnic. The toddler's area, the senior challenge, the trampoline, the flying fox and the BBQs are all extremely popular. The beach volleyball is popular for both volleyball and making sandcastles.

Attached are examples of the very positive press coverage the project has received. At any one time anywhere between sixty and a hundred people are using the park. It is never empty. Word has spread quickly and travellers are deliberately stopping at the park to refresh themselves.

Value for Money

To date raised over $400,000 has been raised to fund the development of the Park. The Trustees are very pleased with what has been accomplished and the high usage of the Park. They believe that funders have received exceptionally good value for money for their investment. This is due to two main factors: I. Daily hands-on management by the Trustees and 2. Most of the work has been done by local businesses and contractors. The popularity of the Park is attributed, at least in part, to the thoughtful and unique design of each piece of equipment and their layout as part of a total park design with something for everyone. And that cost hinders nothing.

Community Support and Involvement

The Trustees have been greatly encouraged by the spontaneous community support. Many local businesses, members of the community and service groups are giving their help through work, services, fundraising or goods in kind with materials provided at cost or below by local businesses. The Park has been generously supported by the Horowhenua District Council who granted the Trust $50,000 for building quality toilet facilities. Altrusa have raised funds for the toddlers area and the Levin Rotary Club built the fitness trail. Trees were planted by seventh-formers from Waiopehu College. Labour has been provided by people serving periodic detention.

Still to be completed

Disabled play area — near completion

Junior confidence challenge with slides (ages 3-6) — near completion More seating and rubbish bins

Ripping up and grassing of large tar-sealed area (from original school) Further planting and landscaping

Funds for Completion and Maintenance

A further $40,000 is needed to complete the Park. In addition, $45,000 per year will also be required for ongoing maintenance and management of the Park, including the cost of cleaners and a part-time caretaker (already employed). The Trustees are continuing to seek financial assistance from both major and smaller donors, sponsors, philanthropic organisations and businesses.

Your contribution is most welcome and will be greatly appreciated. It may be targeted to a specific item if preferred. All contributions are openly acknowledged; this may include appropriate signage.


January 10, 2003

Related items

Heads of Agreement 2001
Levin Adventure Park Press Release 24 October 2001
Levin Adventure Park - letters of support from Fairfield School students
Levin Adventure Park letter to Friends and Supporters July 2002
Special Olympics Invitation to Official Opening of the Bocce Courts
Levin Adventure Park Budget revised 25 September 2001
Levin Adventure Park Annual Expenditure 2003-2004
Mayor's memo Acknowledgement of Civic Service
August Moon Fetival Fundraising
Levin Adventure Park photo 1
Levin Adventure Park photo 24
Levin Adventure Park photo 21


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Related items

Heads of Agreement 2001
Levin Adventure Park Press Release 24 October 2001
Levin Adventure Park - letters of support from Fairfield School students
Levin Adventure Park letter to Friends and Supporters July 2002
Special Olympics Invitation to Official Opening of the Bocce Courts
Levin Adventure Park Budget revised 25 September 2001
Levin Adventure Park Annual Expenditure 2003-2004
Mayor's memo Acknowledgement of Civic Service
August Moon Fetival Fundraising
Levin Adventure Park photo 1
Levin Adventure Park photo 24
Levin Adventure Park photo 21