Minutes of Council Meeting 5 November 1906
- Description
Present: The Mayor (Mr B.R. Gardener) and Councillors Hankins, Hudson, Levy, C. Palmer R. Prouse, Ryder and MacKenzie. Apologies were received from Cr. Hall and J. Prouse.
The Minutes of the last ordinary meeting and also of the Special Meeting held on the 19th Oct, were in each case read and confirmed respectively.
Agreement with the Horowhenua County Council
Correspondence: A letter was received from the Horowhenua County Council, re Agreement submitted to them as to adjustments between the County and the Borough. It was moved by Cr. Hankins and seconded by Cr. Levy “That in clause 2B of the Agreement between this Council and the Horowhenua County Council all the words from “Provided “ to the word “Borough” inclusive be struck out and that the Mayor arrange with the Chairman of the Council to complete the Agreement.
This was carried, Cr Hudson dissenting.
Vote of thanks
Moved by Cr The Mayor, seconded by Cr. Ryder and carried “That the Council passes a hearty vote of thanks to W. H. Field Esq. M.H.R. as a mark of appreciation for his efforts for obtaining the grant for the Kawiu Road.”
Application for Licence
Moved by Cr. Hankins & seconded by Cr. Ryder “That the application of the Methodist Church for a Licence be granted subject to the Inspector’s approval.”
Sanitary Improvements in Oxford Street recommended
Moved by Cr. Hankins & seconded by Cr. R. Prouse “That the Sanitary Improvements in Oxford Street as suggested by the Health Dept. be adopted and approved and that the owners of the premises be notified of the alterations required.”
Inspector of Nuisances approved
Moved by the Mayor, seconded by Cr. Ryder “That this Council appoints Mr Bennett of the Health Department to be one of its Inspectors of Nuisances, such appointment to date from 5 Nov 1906.”
Names of Streets
“That the Streets Committee be requested to enquire into the cost & advisability of erecting boards at each street corner on which the name of such street shall appear.”
This resolution was moved by Cr. Levy & seconded by Cr.R.Prouse.
Overhanging Trees
Moved by Cr. Levy & seconded by Cr. Hankins “That notice be given to all owners that unless they take immediate steps to cut down their trees overhanding the road in com- pliance with notice given then, steps be taken to compel such action by 1st Dec 1906”.
Water-race Maintenance rate struck
Moved by the Mayor, seconded by Cr. Ryder “That due notice having been given in accordance with the Statutory Provisions under “the Rating Act 1894”, this council do now strike a Water-race Maintenance Rate on all the rateable property within the Borough of 3/10ths of a penny in the £ on the Capital Value for the period commencing 1st April 1906 and ending 31st March 1907, the same to be due and payable in one instalment at the Borough Council Office on the 1st Dec1906.”
Kawiu Road
A petition was received from ratepayers interested in the formation & metalling of the Kawiu Road. Moved by Cr. Hudson seconded by Cr. Ryder, ”That the grant of £150 voted by the Government for the construction of the Kawiu Road be expended as early as possible.”
Oxford Street Petitioners
A petition was received from certain ratepayers in Oxford Street as to their position as sub-lessees of the Gravel Reserve & asking the Council to grant extended leases. The lessee also wrote offering to surrender her lease upon certain conditions.
The Mayor moved & Cr. Hankins seconded “That this Council regrets that it cannot entertain the Petition as it has no power to grant private leases longer than 12 months”
As an amendment Cr. Hudson moved and Cr. Palmer seconded “That the Council regrets that it cannot at present go into the question of extending the leases, as the council does not at present control the reserves”. The amendment was lost by the following vote
Ayes (3) Noes (4)
Crs. Hudson. Crs. Ryder
Levy Hankins Palmer R. Prouse
The Mayor
The Mayors motion as above was then carried
Mrs Stuckey
Moved by the Mayor and seconded by Cr. MacKenzie “That Mrs Stuckey be informed that the formation of Stuckey Street will be attended to as soon as possible”.
It was decided that the question of Mr Astridge’s wages be referred to the Finance Committee.
A letter from the Dept. of Lands re “Domain” was held over until the next meeting.
Accounts passed
The following accounts were passed for payment.: viz
R. Jones, Sanitary pans etc £13 -15 - 4
Levin Express Co Cab hire etc 2 - -
R.W. Bradley carting - 4 - 5
A. Edwards ditto - 8 -
Kitson’s Patent Light Co mantles etc - 18 - 4
C. Wilson Ranger 1month sal. to 18 Oct - 8 - 4
G. Astridge Nightman 5 wks wage 20 - -
I Hook Road Overseer 12 - 3 -
P. Patton Lamp lights 5 - - 5
Perry ditto 1 – 10 -
West Coast Saw millers Assoc 5 - 16 - 6
Edwards and Whyte – Contract No 4 23.- 11 - 3
ditto ditto 8 - -
P.W.Goldsmith, Clerk etc 5 wks to 3 Nov 10 - -
£103 - 15 - 7
Basil Gardener
Nov 19 - 1906
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