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There was a splendid attendance at a public meeting on Friday night last held for the purpose of further considering matters relating to the soldiers’ memorial to be erected at Manakau. Mr Les Atkins occupied the chair.

It was decided, after discussion, to adopt Major Tatum’s suggestion that the base of the monument be enlarged, provided the necessary space could be secured. The matter was left in the hands of the executive to deal with.

The main object of the meeting was to deal with the site for the memorial. The mover and seconder of the resolution passed at a previous meeting, fixing the site, agreed to their motion being rescinded, and this was unanimously agreed upon. This step was taken owing to the fact that it was generally thought that there was not sufficient space in the site first chosen – opposite the hall – which is so often congested with the public, being in such close proximity to the public hall and the railway station.

After a full discussion the meting unanimously decided to erect the memorial in front of the post office and steps were taken to secure permission from the County Council and the Railway Department for this site being secured. It was thought no difficulty would be met in securing this site.

The meeting resolved that only the names of those Manakau soldiers who had fall during the war be engraved on the cenotaph.

It was decided to hold a gift auction in aid of the memorial fund, about the end of April, and Messrs C Duneum, W Bevan, T Clifford and W J Bryant were appointed a committee to carry out arrangements for same, the committee to report progress on April 15th.

The meeting was most enthusiastic and unanimous, and there is every prospect of the memorial being a most worthy one.

Otaki Mail

Monday, March 29, 1929


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