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Tuesday March 25th 1873 p.244

Place The Same

Present The Same


Mr Buckley said - he now requested to be informed whether the Court would entertain his application to make an Order in favour of the Ngati Raukawa for that block of land excepted from the judgment of a previous date for which they had be con......d made out a prima facie case.

Mr Cash said - he had been instructed to appear on behalf of Muaupoko but had arrived so late last night that he had not had of opportunity to grasp the case and applied for an adjournment until tomorrow when he would be prepared to proceed.

Court decided that the Ngati Raukawa had established a prima facie case and that the opposition would proceed in this position of counter claimant.

Court adjourned until tomorrow at 10 A.M.


Wednesday March 26th 1873 p.245-249

Place The Same

Present The Same

Mr Buckley appears for Ngati Raukawa. Mr Cash for Muaupoko

Mr Cash said that he was instructed to prefer the claims of the Muaupoko to the title of the land laying within the boundaries fixed by the Court


Te Keepa Rangihuirenui - Sworn -

I belong to Muaupoko and live at Horowhenua and Whanganui the latter place is my principal place of residence - previous to 1842 Horowhenua and Rangitikei were the places where I lived I was born at Te Wheke (place pointed out on that Plan - boundaries of Block pointed out) -

I know the land which has been pointed out - It is generally called Horowhenua - I have a claim to that land. To the portion around the lake as far as Arapaipai (pointed out) To the land between Arapaipai and the Tararua Range I and my tribe claim also. There are cultivations and houses and trees of ours on both sides of the lake These cultivations are still in use - some of the land has been exhausted and has been allowed to rest other portions are constantly under cultivation. These are the names of the places now occupied by us - I commence at the mouth of Hokio - at Tawhitikuru within which are other little places Tawhitikuru goes to Kamana - the beach all along is called Katia - This is a fishing place of our ancestors and now of ours This is where we gather pipis - the principal place is the mouth of Hokio - Katia is the general name Otaki is on one side - Rangitikei on the other Mahia is the name of the beach beyond Otaki - Muaupoko lived on this land - and caught fish here - eels were caught by us in the Hokio right up to the lake - at Porotutairua is a cultivation (pointed out) and a place where we d.......... flax A little further up is a burial ground of my ancestors my father and my brother - this is at Komekorau - Otatara is a small lake where we catch eels - pointed out. Ngakawa is another eel lake of ours. These lakes are Muaupoko - we caught the eels there and eat them - up to this day - Pakauhokio is another eel lake of ours. On this hill (pointed out) is a ....... station - there are old cultivations of ours at the base of it. Pukearuhe - an old pa and cultivation is on the side of the lake - Atapuatua is a pa a little way oft where my fathers and Muaupoko lived and worked - they extend to Te Raiokararaka on an alcove in the lake is an old pa of ours Muanakarapu & Ngamuiti are the names of these pas these places were afterwards known by the name of Otoi - Pipiriki is a fighting pa built by Kawana Huria and I (pointed out) All these places are still occupied by us. Kupe is here - Kupe is the name of a large house I myself & my father alas have cultivated here - Kupe was commenced about 1869. Ngati Raukawa never came to interfere with us on these cultivations of ours - Otaura is here (pointed) It is not correct as shown on this map - This is an old cultivation on the south end of the lake. They are all Muaupoko Their peach trees are there also their houses and fences and are now in use This is so at Otaura - This cultivation is by Muaupoko our lands - Waipata is here - Pukeiti is here I lived in these old pas - These places are our islands in the lake - and where Kauana Hurua and our ancestors lived - Tapuaiomiratu is a small pa - here Tapuaiomiratu is a small place of ours not used much by us now - There are no cultivations on that particular place.

The court suggested the desirability of tracing being prepared showing all the places pointed out or intended to be referred to by the Muaupoko claimants - and to which these c..........mants and as..........ted.

The Court then adjourned until 2 P.M. to enable the Surveyor to prepare such a tracing.

At 2 pm the Court resumed.

Sketch map produced by Major Keepa

Te Keepa continues - next place is Otaura. There are cultivations there.

At Oteho there are peaches and cherries of ours growing - their fruit gathered by my relatives the Muaupoko - these trees were planted by Hatukituki - This is Waipata Pukeiti is next to it these are at the south end of the lake. Kohuturoa is here - pointing - we cultivated there up to the time of the Treaty of Waitangi This is a swamp called Arohata We still cultivate at Kohuturoa. At Kohuturoa we grew the food for the persons who built the pas at Waipata and Pukeiti - Food is growing at the present time. Any one going there will see it. In the year 1840 or 1841 people went across to Otoi and assembled there (the Muaupoko) and left the other place and ceased cultivating - After that Te Watane went on to it - After that he died - Te Watane said I will go and cultivate there - I think it was about 1860 when Whatanui died Te Whatanui had not gone to Kohaturoa when the Ministers of the gospel arrived - I cannot state the exact time - several years after 1841 - Whatanui died there - there was no confusion until after Whatanui's death about the rents. Whatanui stayed there at Kohaturoa a few years and then went to Raumatangi. The confusion about rents commenced before Whatanui's death at Raumatangi - I was then at Whanganui Whatanui was taken ill at Raumatangi I do not know where he died - At the time the pakeha knew that trouble was about to take place about the land Watene went to Kohaturoa where he was burnt in his house - About the year when Meti Kingi was member of the house there was great trouble about this land - some cattle were killed - all the cattle on this ...... were killed - Tateraroro is a cultivation of Muaupoko - by their ancestors up to the present time - on the lake - Titirangi is a cultivation of Muaupoko - it is now overgrown - an old cultivation It is not now used in any way - houses and cattle belonging to Muaupoko are running over all this land - as are our pigs - Otahua is another place beyond that is Watini - an old cultivation where my father and I and all Muaupoko have and are a .................. Murumuru is a cultivation of Muaupoko. Te Kawui is another culitivation.

Te Matutua is a large cultivation of Muaupoko it is an old cultivation now used as a ........ for sheep houses, cattle and pigs - Kaitwa - is a cultivation of Muaupoko an old one - not very old - been worked of late years This is a swamp called Mangoroa (pointed) - Kopuapongopongo is here. This is an eel weir called Tahungangarara - Maerua is a cultivation of Muaupoko fences are still standing - it is close to the swamp - This is the road to Porotawhao - Porotawhao is here. All those places which I have pointed out commencing from the seabeach inland are the cultivations of Muaupoko We will now go inland - I have not said everything about the places on the south. Te Makomako is a cultivation inland of Waitui - it is of late years - Te Hoanga is another a house is now standing there - all these are Muaupoko - Te Hoanga is of late years - at the end of Werema is Te Karaka a te Itu. This is the main (Ngati ....ata) boundary out whose tree that is - he planted it - the tree is now standing and he eats the fruit of it - He is a Muaupoko. This is a road of Muaupoko going to the other side of Arapaipai right on to Ohau used when we go fishing to Oahau - and catch huias .... Tararua Kohitere is a place where there is a house of Muaupoko.

Having now reached the edge of the tracing before the Court.

The Court decided to adjourn until tomorrow to enable a further sketch to be produced.

Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow



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