Community Contributed

The Sappers Association (NZ) Levin Branch

Kete Horowhenua2020-03-23T16:54:47+00:00
The idea of a National Reunion came out of 8Fd Coy Meeting in Levin in 1955, where ex Sappers suggested they meet with other Sappers on a regular basis.

This meeting consisted of Bruce Hudson, Bub Bell, Pat Stewart, and Seymour Jack, and the Levin Race Course became the venue for the Levin Reunions, and agreement was given by both the Levin Racing Club and the Horowhenua A&P Association for this to take place.

From the 4th to the 5th of July 1959, the first Sapper's Reunion was held in Levin and they lived under service conditions, and as they did during their service as Engineers.

Bill Fraser was Master of Ceremonies, Pat Stewart organised Catering, Wally Phillips administration, Bruce Hudson Billeting, Jack Ballinger Transport and Pat Boggs, Publicity.

Another Reunion was held in 1958, and in 1959 the Borough of Levin granted the Freedom of the Borough to the Corps of the Royal NZ Engineers, and the Sapper's Association was then formed in 1960.

The Committee of the 6th National Reunion in Levin were, Wally Phillips, Jim Cockburn, Jim Fowler, Pat Boggs, Pat Stewart and Bub Bell.

Christchurch held their first Sappers Reunion in 1963 and thereafter Levin and Christchurch alternated for these reunions.

It was not until 1971, after a Christchurch Reunion, that wives were allowed to attend, and therafter were included in all National Reunions.

Numbers began to decline due to ill health, age and death, and these reunions lasted until 1984 at the Levin .

The Christchurch Sapper's Reunion was held in 1983 and in 1986.

The Mayor of Levin presented Pat Stewart, President of the Reunion Committee, with a Jubilee Booklet called "The 75th Jubilee Year of Levin 1981", containing a photograph of the Charter given the Corps of the Royal New Zealand Engineers the Freedom of Levin.

In 1984, from the 2nd to the 4th of March, to concur with the Borough of Levin Commemoration of the Granting of the Freedom of the Borough of Levin, to the Corps of the Royal Engineers in 1959, a Sappers Reunion was held, and was the last Reunion to be held in Levin.