28th March 1873
- Description
Friday March 28th 1873 p.259-267
Place The Same
Present The Same
Ohia Te Marake - Sworn
I belong to Muaupoko by my father, and Ngati Apa Rangitane and Whanganui by my mother - I live at Terakina until I married I lived at Horowhenua.
I know the land described on the map as laid off by the order of the Court - It belongs to my ancestors and all Muaupoko - I can show the places occupied in any way by my ancestors. I substantiate what was said by Kemp relative to the Kangas and cultivations of Muaupoko Porotutakirua is a village of my parents and I also cultivated there It is on the north side of Hokio - Kuiki is an eel weir of my parents and also mine - Okotare ducks were snared here by my ancestors and I have shot them there That is to the south of Hokio Kohenga is a burial ground of my ancestors and of this generation - cultivations of my parents and of myself are there. Te Waiwhangai o te Mutu - This is an eel weir my parents and me have caught eels there - Waiwherowhero - that is an eel stream used by Muaupoko when it is flooded.
Te Maire is here - This is a cultivation of mine from my ancestors lately it has been abandoned by us as a cultivation - it is used as a ....... now
Ataewa - a cultivation from my ancestors until the present time. Muaupoko - Karaka trees are growing on this ground of which my ancestors and I have had a the fruit - also peaches.
Otehu Karakas Peaches cherries and apples of ours are growing there - my parents planted them.
Waipata & Pukeiti - are here - I was born at Waipata a pa on an island - these are the pas alluded to by Kemp.
Puatengau is here a cultivation used by my parents
Paemoa is here - a stream used by Muaupoko up to the present time.
Takapu Kaiperaro is here - This is a cultivation used by my parents when they lived in the pas on the lake
Wai a Te Mango is here - also an eel water of ours from my ancestors and still used by Muaupoko
Taimete o te Whetu is a place where my ancestors obtained fern root up to the time of my parents these are the places (pointing) where my ancestors and my parents and I have caught eels - This land is sandy - pointing - and not worth cultivating.
Totaranui - is here - a place where birds were snared by Muaupoko and by us. Of the places I have named Ngati Raukawa have never made use - Mokomokuni is the general name of the adjacent bush. The places I have named are those which I have worked other witnesses will speak of what they know personally of this land - pointing - During my time there was no trouble at all about this land lying to the south of Hokio - I mean before my going to Turakina - Afterwards I heard of trouble and I came to kill the cattle mentioned my Kemp - Watene made arrangements about a lease which was not allowed by Muaupoko - I cannot fix the time of the lease - This was before the arrangement between Muaupoko McDonald - I came down to drive the cattle & sheep about the dates of the lease to McDonald (April/70) The cattle were killed all over here (pointing) and the sheep driven down to the seabeach. Ngati Raukawa have never attempted to put cows or sheep on this land since we drove those off - Paratahi is the general name of this part - pointing - Those who follow me will speak of these places - I know Pipiriki - pointing -- it is a pa. the cultivations are along side it extending to Otapuata - This is an old Pa of Muaupoko and us - Te Rae o te Karaka is near to our houses are standing there - I know Kupas on the islands in the ......... They are old fighting pas of Muaupoko and us - I cultivated at Pukearuke - I know Kaimakarini It is an eel water - my ancestors down to the time of my parents - Muaupoko go there now to work - my ancestors went to snare wild ducks as did my father - here - Ohoas - is a eel water used by Muaupoko - Papitonga - I have not been there - I have heard of this place - These roads were used by my ancestors to go to the bush for birds like Kiwi's & Huias These roads go inland of Ohau to Makahika on to Tararua - where Huias were killed - Muaupoko have horses and pigs running over all this land - pointing.
Xed by Mr Buckly - .....
Have any but Muaupoko used the eel weirs maintained by you? I have not seen.
Do you know of any others using them? I know that no others but Muaupoko have.
Are any Ngati Raukawa now living on any portion of this land? One Ngati Raukawa now lives on the south side of the Hokio stream.
Does he use the eel weirs? No.
Has he any cattle sheep horses on that land? No I have not seen or heard. There are there no other Ngati Ruakawas living there? I only know of Te Watene.
Did any Ngati Raukawa live there at the time of Whatanui first? I did not see Whatanui when was this ....... last .......? At the time of - I do not know.
Were you not forced to retire here by Ngati Raukawa? No.
Why dont you go over there? It is a good land - and for purpose of worship.
Were you a brave & powerful tribe? Our ......... and strength were ............ of in the last count.
Xed by the Court
Can you tell the year you left Waipata and went to Turakina? In 1859 - but I have since gone backwards and forwards.
Heta Te Whata Mahoe - sworn -
I belong to Muaupoko and live at Horowhenua - I cannot say how long I have lived there - I was born somewhere near Nelson - and my father was fetched by the Muaupoko chiefs - and I have lived there ever since - one of my parents and ancestors died at Horowhenua - Peace was made between Ngati Raukawa and Ngati Apa & Muaupoko at Karekare when my father and I were fetched - I know the land between the boundaries ..... lines - I know the land well on the ground - I know the Waiwiri stream - It is a place of my ancestors. It runs out of Paipaitonga - We used the side of the stream for fishing & camping - At present time is it not used by me - We ceased to use it in the time of my ancestors - the only active ownership I have expressed was for driving the sheep - These are lakes in that neighbourhood.
I know Papaitonga is a pa on an island in the lake. It belonged to our ancestors. Puketoa - that is a lake - Te Whatua is a hill - Puketoa is a swamp where we catch eels now. Taumata o te Whatiniri - Our ancestors got fern root - here it is named after a man of Muaupoko Ngamana - I know about the pole put up there. I know about the quarrel at that pole - The first trouble commenced about the boundary of Ngati Huia - Ngati Huia were brought to Porotawhao by Muaupoko - by Tawhati - who saved the life of a child of Rauparaha. In 1859 Ngati Huia commenced talking about taking this land - Muaupoko would not consent - Porotauwhao was the place agreed upon for them. This price was not agreed to for them the triangular place between the red line and this point - trouble ensued. one cause was a Ngati Huia was buried on the boundary (pointed) and Muaupoko did not know if Ngati Huia had persisted fighting would have ensued We went about the same time as Ngati Hui went to .... in the pole and we pulled it up - I pulled it up. I was the man and my tribe with me We came to blows - one was attacked with a spade - Kirihana struck one of our people with a spade - We remained on the ground - and do up to this time - the pole was subsequently erected - two weeks we saw the carved pole standing - 1859 was the beginning of the trouble - Hinimona died in 1858 The fight at Ngamaua was in the year Kemp went to fight a Ngati Ruranui - about 1869. I remember Mahoenui - I remember the sheep being driven off and the cattle driven off I assisted - In 1887 Whatanui brought sheep on this land. they were McDonalds - I am sure of that date - I was in Wairarapa that year I do not know on what part they were put.
Xed by Mr Buckly - Are you a chief of Muaupoko? I am.
Ruta Te Kiri Totara - I was christian - I am now a heathen I believe in the Bible - sworn
I am a Muaupoko and live at Horowhenua - my ancestor lived there - I was from there and lived there up to this time - I know the land at Waiwiri and at Wangaio and the land between these places. I shall begin at Hokio at the mouth there is a pa of my ancestors where we have always gone for pipis .... Tauwhitikiri is another fishing place - Paikehatarai is near Ohoea It is a fishing place Ohoao is an eel water and a place for catching birds Kaimeakariri is the same. Totera is a lake where we catch birds & eels Ngakawau - is the same. Pakauhokio is the same - Pukearuhi is a pa and peach garden of my ancestors & ...... O Ta Puata is the same and Kanga and was used by Kemp's father. Otoi - is the same. Moauakarepu is an island in the lake and the Namuiti - these are fighting pas of Muaupoko Pipiriki is a pa of our ancestors the pa of Kemp and Kawana Huiri - This land from Pipiriki to Otapuata is all enclosed - Panui Omarama - is another Kanga - there is a big house called after our ancestors Kupe Te Waikikie - is a pa of my ancestors and used by us down to the present time. Te Roha Te Kawau is a pa on the island in the lake. Whueotaura - is a cultivation of our ancestors Kemp's father cultivated here. Taengahe - is a cultivation of my ancestors and are Muaupoko. Komakorau - is a burial ground of our ancestors and there Kemps father is buried. Porotutakuria - is a native cultivation of ours - it is used at present as a run - It is leased at present. Otaewa - there is an orchard - Karaka trees, apple, cherry, apple.... planted by our ancestors and we still use the fruit. Te Hou - Is the same. Waipata is an ancient fighting pa of our ancestors and Kemp and Huria have lived there. Pukeiti is the same.
Kohuturoa - is an ancient pa and cultivation of ours and Kawana Huria's tupuna is now living there - Tamati Maunu. Arohata is a stream which was used by our ancestors and also by us.
Tatearoro is a cultivation used by us down to our time at present used ... run.
Titerangi - was a cultivation - now abandoned to allow it to rest.
Te Makomako is an ancient cultivation now an orchard of ours.
Tahuia is the same.
Ngauruonguru an ancient cultivation now we used as a run for pigs etc.
Te Kapa - this was land of our ancestors - now used by us as a run for cattle, horses and sheep.
Te Kauriu - is the same also an orchard and of ours.
Te Watutua is the same.
Tahunangarara - is a stream where our ancestors have always caught eels.
Maerua - is a large farm - fences are now standing. I have never seen nor heard of Ngati Raukawa disputing my sight to this land.
Waiwherowhero is a lake we have always used to catch eels - it runs in the Hokio stream.
Te Maire is an old cultivation Rauwiri still uses it There are a number of other places and lakes of which I cannot remember the names - where my people have always worked and fished
Ohanga - Kawana Huruia's mother is buried there on the hill - a cultivation is at its base.
I have never heard of Ngati Raukawa disputing Muaupoko title In the time of Whatanui 1st or Whatanui 3rd there was no trouble. On the south side of O...o trouble commenced in the time of the last Whatanui. Raumatanga was the residence of Whatanui I - he soon went to Otaki - Whatanui the last visited the land and then trouble began - he put cattle there and Muaupoko killed them. Nothing was said by Ngati Raukawa after the killing of these cattle. More sheep were put on by Whatanui - at that time Watene committed adultery with Whatanui's wife and he was driven away to Heretaunga - after that Whatanui died and Watene returned.
Court adjourned until 2 P.M.
at 2 P.M. The Court resumed
Te Kiri Totara continued -
Watene returned for the purpose of getting Riria Whatanui's wife and also Horowhenua and to take the lease and the land of te Whatanui - the word reached Kemp and Huria and the word came to drive the sheep off the land. The sheep were then driven off. We demanded the lease for the purpose of destroying it - tearing it - MacDonald gave up the lease and it was ....... up. Ngati Raukawa had no lease - MacDonald was afraid of losing his sheep as well as his cattle and therefore he gave up the lease - Watene never disputed my right in consequence of my destroying the lease - Watene has no cultivations here - pointing generally between the Hokio and Waiwiri - in consequence of the rights of Muaupoko. I have not seen Ngati Raukawa on this land - as has been stated. Watene was at Raumatanga and on hearing that Kemp & Huria were coming he went.
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