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This report of the meeting was published in the Manawatu Herald on 19 October 1893 - obtained from PapersPast, National Library of New Zealand.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Inward correspondence was read -
­From Wellington and Manawatu Railway Co. as follows:- “Yours of 16th August on proposal of Mr Whiley's for using railway bridges for ordinary traffic to hand, and has had consideration of Board, who are of opinion it would not be desirable to combine railway and other traffic in way suggested.

From Under-Secretary for Crown Lands, re conceding change of the rubbish reserve at Levin to a cemetery; stating the Minister of Lands regretted that the Bill introduced into Parliament, which would enable change to have been effected, had been rejected, but in­forming Council that Government had no objection to rubbish reserve being used as a cemetery, and that it some future date steps would be taken to validate its use as a cemetery site.

The Chairman said that he had been waiting for this letter, and that they should now proceed to fence the reserve in question.

It was resolved that Mr Scott be authorised to lay out the Levin cemetery (rubbish reserve) into blocks ,and that tenders be called for fencing; in the same (labour only), to be in ,at next Meeting of the Board.

From Rikihana te Turure offering land near Otaki for cemetery pur­poses for £35.

From Mr J. Prouse drawing at­tention to rough state of county road from Levin Hotel to Arapaipai road. A small expenditure now the roads were drying would render road serviceable for wheel traffic.

From Mrs Kent, stating Mrs Purcell's husband was back in Levin bush falling, and asking if charitable aid to her should be continued.

Rations to be stopped.

Resolved that Wihipeihana Taharape be granted £5 per annum for the use of his land at Ohau for a road.

From Mr John Bradley, of Shannon, asking Council to open drain in Margaret Street, which had been closed up by train line. The Council had blocked old water course, and thrown water on to his land.

It was resolved that Cr Cridland and the county ganger visit the drain in Margaret street, Shannon, complained of by Mr Bradley, with power to act if necessary.

It was agreed, after discussion that public notice be given, in accordance with clause 41 of the Cemeteries Act, 1882, dedicating the Shannon cemetery as a public cemetery under the Act, and that Mr A. Cassie, jun., be the sexton ap­pointed.

The following petition to members of the Horowhenua County Council was read:­-

“We, the undersigned ratepayers of your county, hereby respectfully request that your Council will at the redistribution of seats for your body in November next, base the number of such seats allocated to each Riding upon the number of rate­payers in, and the rateable value of such riding.

(Signed) E. Gascoigne, T Lind, J. Gardner, T. Newton, A. Cassie, and 42 others."

It was pointed out that the Act provided that this matter should be considered annually during March, and that this had been done this year, also that it was too near the end of this present Council for them to consider such vital alterations. The petition was, therefore, ordered to lie on the table.

Resolved- “ That the Wairarapa North County Council be informed that this Council will co-operate with them in furthering the objects set forth in their proposal dated October 1st, 1898, re alteration in present system of local taxation."

It was pointed out by the Chair­man that the agreement made between the Council and Mr McCulloch, the county clerk, had, expired, and it was resolved, on the motion of Mr Simcox seconded, by Mr Davies. " That the agreement dated Ist October, 1890, between the Council and Mr John McCulloch for a period of three years, expiring on September 30th, 1893, be re­ceived for a further period of three years, and that the chairman be authorised to validate the said re­newal.

It was resolved that this Council agree to the abandonment of the present main county road within the boundaries of section 10, Horowhenua block, and hereby authorise the chairman to exchange the road now abandoned for the adjacent [cut off here]


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