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This report of the meeting was published in the Manawatu Herald on 13 August 1891 - obtained from PapersPast, National Library of New Zealand.

A numerously signed petition from the residents of Otaki praying that some action should be taken to check the wholesale poisoning of dogs in the district was held over for con­sideration until the next meeting of the Council.

A lengthy explanation was re­ceived from Mr P. J. McCann as to the causes which led to the collapse of some bridge work on his contract at Levin. The letter was held over for consideration and enquiries.

The following are the resolutions carried :

That a slaughtering license be granted to J. C. Retter to slaughter large and small cattle in slaughter yards, situated on No 11, Horowhenua block.

That McColl's request for two month's extension of time on contract to be granted.

Proposed by Councillor John Davies, seconded by Councillor William Tompsitt, That the Council notify the Foxton Borough Council that rent for premises occupied by the ferryman, Wirokino, be charged for at the rate of £10 per year to commence from the time the ferry was taken over by the Borough of Foxton.


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