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This report of the meeting was published in the Manawatu Herald on 19 July 1889 - obtained from PapersPast, National Library of New Zealand.

Correspondence was also received from Mr Daniel Waters, of Shannon, asking that a culvert be constructed across a road drain running past his property (section 9, Block XII.) in order to give him access to his section.

From Mr F. W. Venn asking, that the drain on the county road, between Makerua station and the Kingston road, might be carried on to the Tokomaru Creek, a distance of about 10 chains. Mr Venn esti­mates the cost of such work to be about £24, and suggests that the Manawatu Railway Company be asked to share the expense, as the work would improve their property. A copy of this letter was forwarded by the Chairman to Mr Wallace, general manager of the company, but no reply had yet been received.

The report of the Manakau Ceme­tery Committee was received and read, and it was resolved, on the motion of Councillor Tompsitt, seconded by Councillor J. Atkins that Ah Chee Kin, market gardener, Manakau, be offered £25 per acre for three acres for the purpose of forming a cemetery, and that Coun­cillors Kebbell and Atkins be em­powered to deal with Ah Chee Kin and report at the next meeting of the Council.

The following resolutions were adopted:-
Proposed by Councillor Venn, seconded by Councillor Simcox, That Mr R. P. Brodersen, be appointed poundkeeper at Shannon, this appointment to antedate from 11th April. Proposed by Councillor Kebbell, seconded by Councillor Venn, That Mr Waters' request for a bridge be complied with, and that the ganger be instructed to have a culvert put in, large enough for a cart to cross.
Proposed by Councilor Kebbell, seconded by Councillor Best, That the transfer of property (Pukehoe, No 5, L.) in the rate-book, requested by Messrs Small and Wood be authorised. Proposed by Coun­cillor Kebbell, seconded by Council­lor Davies, That the alterations -re­quested by Mr Stuckey, in the rate­book, be made in accordance with his letter of 7th inst. Proposed by Councillor Kebbell, seconded by Councillor Best, That the report of the Shannon Punt Committee be adopted. Proposed by Councillor' Simcox, seconded by Councillor Keb­bell, That Councillor Tompsitt and the mover be authorised to interview the

Minister of Lands in conjunction with Mr Carkeek, in reference to the memo from the Survey Office, dated [ends here]


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