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This report of the meeting was published in the Manawatu Herald on 20 June 1890 - obtained from PapersPast, National Library of New Zealand.

From Borough Council, Foxton, a statement of Ferry ac­count, punt account, and claim for £56 18s 4d.

From Minister of Lands. J. G. Wilson, M.H.R, and and D. G. Monrad re, crossing at Levin.

The following resolutions of general interest were passed:-­

Proposed by Cr Andrews and seconded by Cr Simcox, that the chairman and Cr Davies be a Committee to adjust the working accounts of the Wirokino Ferry, and that the amount of £74 9s 11d be passed for payment being the council's half share of in­debtedness for construction of the new punt.

Proposed by Cr Andrews, seconded by Cr Davies, that the Chairman be authorised to attend the meeting of Chairmen of the Local Bodies of the Horowhenua County called by [unfinished]


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