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This report of the meeting was published in the Manawatu Herald on 19 July 1889 - obtained from PapersPast, National Library of New Zealand.

In the absence of Cr Kebbel, Cr Simcox was voted to the chair.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Resolved on Cr Eager’s motion, seconded by Cr Thomson, that the order of business as regards payments be suspended, that they be passed at once, as a convenience to the recipients.

The following correspondence was received:-

From Gascoigne and Mullins, asking for refund of deposit on Arapaepae road clearing.

Cr Andrews explained that a mistake had been made in the tender, and that Gascoigne had been prepared to find a man to take up the work at the same price but that, owing to there being another tender, it was not feasible.

Mr Mullins waited on the Council and explained that he tendered on the supposition that the work was in a different locality and only 20ft wide, and that on finding his mistake, he had given Mr Gascoigne an amended tender which was posted in time, and consequently on his first tender being accepted he was unable to take up the work.

It was considered an extraordinary case arising out of the error of Mr Gascoigne, and on the motion of Cr Andrews, seconded by Cr Thomson, it was resolved that the amount of the deposit be refunded.


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