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The memory of a fellow tramper was honoured during the weekend when members of the Manawatu Tramping Club erected a memorial near the grave of the late Mr. Ralph Wood, who lost his life in the Tararuas during the storm of February, 1936 and was buried where he died, near the summit of Twin Peak, behind Levin. At the time a simple cross was erected over the grave, a more substantial monument not being possible owing to the tracks having been obliterated.

During the weekend, however, ten members of the club carried up a trig of stainless steel and erected it on the summit of Twin Peak at a height of 3500 feet. The grave is about 50 yards away. A tablet of bronze bolted to the trig bears the following inscription:—"In memory of Ralph Wood, aged 30, who lost his life here on February 2, 1936. 'Under a wide and starry sky, dig a grave and let me lie.'" A brief service of dedication was held before leaving the spot.


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Multi-Page Document
April 27, 1937


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