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All the members were present viz. Councillors Douglas, Hall, Hankins, Hudson, Levy, Mackenzie, J Prouse, Ryder and Williams also the Mayor Mr B R Gardener.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Road Race

Amongst the correspondence a letter from Mr Phillips was dealt with by the following resolution which was carried on the motion of Cr. Hall seconded by Cr. Mackenzie viz. “That Mr Phillips be permitted to hold his Road Race on the 29th May next.”

Fire Brigade Matters

A letter was received from the secretary of the Levin Fire Brigade making certain suggestions as to the future management of the Brigade and asking the Council to appoint a Committee to confer with the Brigade. A deputation from the Brigade also waited upon the Council in support of the application. On the motion of the Mayor seconded by J Prouse it was resolved “That the Finance Committee be appointed to confer with the officers of the Fire Brigade to consider the advisability of the Borough Council in future controlling the Brigade, and also to bring down estimates as to the requirements for this present years, such report to be placed before the Council at its next meeting.


Moved by the Mayor and seconded by Cr. Mackenzie “That the Town Clerk be instructed to make application to the Lands Department requesting them to take the necessary steps under the next “Reserves and other lands disposal and Public Bodies Empower Bill”, to vest the two gravel reserves Sec 32 Levin Suburban and Section 8 Block XI Levin Township in the Levin Borough Council, and that the purpose of the said reserves be changed from Gravel Reserves to Municipal Reserves”. Carried

Water & Sewage Schemes

Moved by the Mayor, seconded by r Mackenzie and carried “That the Finance Committee be requested to go into ways and means to obtain a report on the future water supply and sewerage scheme for the Borough.”

The report of the Roads Committee was adopted.

Grant to Public Library

The report of the Library Committee was considered and on the motion of Cr. Ryder seconded by Cr. Douglas the following resolution was passed. “That a grant of £25 be given to the Weraroa Library Committee”.

Council Chambers improvements

The Special Committee appointed to report on improvements to the Council Chambers recommended the expenditure of £25 upon the work. The Clerk of the Horowhenua County Council wrote stating that the Council had decided to make a contribution of £10 towards the proposed work. The recommendation of the Committee was adopted. Cr. Mackenzie moved and Cr. Hall seconded “That tenders be called for the purpose of carrying out the improvements suggested by the special Committee set up for the purpose. The total sum expended not to exceed £25”.

As an amendment C r. Levy moved and Cr. Hall seconded “That the matter of furnishing the Council Chamber be dealt with by the Special Committee amount to be spent £25”.

The amendment was carried in the following division of 7 to 3 –

Ayes Noes

Cr Hankins Cr. Hall

Cr Hudson Cr. Mackenzie

Cr. Douglas Cr. Williams

Cr. Levy

Cr. Prouse

Cr. Ryder

The Mayor

On the amendment being put as the motion before the Council, it was declared carried.

Reserves to be let

The Report of the Reserves Committee recommending that the unlet reserves in the Borough be submitted to public tender for leasing was adopted.

Sanitation Committee’s report

The Sanitation Committee’s report was dealt with as follows:-

Clauses relating to shop at Weraroa occupied by North, referred back to the Committee for further consideration to insanitary condition of saleyards also wells and tanks, no action taken. All other recommendations of the Committee were adopted.

Bank overdraft

The following resolutions were passed. The Mayor - I. G. Hankins – “That the Mayor and Cr. Hudson with the Treasurer be appointed to make the necessary arrangements with the Bank of Australasia for an overdraft for the year”.

Kawhia Road contract

The Mayor – Cr, Ryder ‘That this Council, understanding that the Kawhiu Road formation contract with the extra work in connection therewith is about completed, hereby authorise the Mayor and Cr. Hall to sign the necessary cheque for payment to the contractor for the balance due subject to the proper indemnity and certificate being forthcoming”.

Chamberlain Street

Councillors Hudson – Hall – “That he estimated cost of firming and metalling Chamberlain Street be sent to the Education Department and asking what they are prepared to vote towards the cost of same”. Carried

Metalling Oxford Street etc.

Councillors Hankins – Hudson “That tenders be called for metalling and grading part of Oxford Street and Main Roads and Clerk be instructed to obtain plans and specifications for same”.


Councillors Hankins – Hall “That all tenders received for any of the Council’s requirements be read at the ordinary or special meetings of the Council”.


Tenders for Carting and Lamp lighting were considered in Committee and on resuming the following resolutions were passed. Moved by Cr. Levy seconded by Cr. Douglas “That the tender of the Levin and Express Company Ltd be accepted for carting”. Moved by Cr. Levy seconded by Cr. J Prouse “That the tender of P K Patton be accepted for Lighting”.


Notice of Motion by Cr. Hudson “That as the Kitson light has been proved to be a failure as regards Street lighting and that as the expense of maintaining same is large and more than the cost of four acetylene lights that the Kitson be abandoned and replaced by Acetylene, as such change will mean a saving of £12 per year”.

Accounts passed for payment

Edmond and Burke- C Aid Grant £ 2.8.0

Chapman & Walker – Paint 3.15.8

H Anstice – Lamp posts 3.8.6

B R Gardener & Co - Amount 1.0.0



Basil R. Gardner, Mayor

June 3 1907


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Multi-Page Document

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Minutes of Council Meeting - 4 March 1907
Minutes of Council Meeting - 6 August 1907


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first council minute book,
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